Testimonials & Reviews
Amsterdam Medical Practice
Internists located in Washington Heights, New York, NY
Amsterdam Medical Practice always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 304 reviews with an average rating of 4.84 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Amsterdam Medical Practice below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.
Emely B.
Submitted 09/26/24
She is so annoying and unprofessional. She thinks that patients are going for fee. I was in about to report her with health insurance. My primary doctor is Eduardo Pignanelli which is very good but for some reason they set me the appointment with this lady…Ella es muy mal educada y trata los pacientes como si van de gratis, los deja con las palabras en boca y aparte no le importa nada de lo que diga el paciente…
Eneida A.
Submitted 09/26/24
Easy going friendly very concern about my health
Margarita J.
Submitted 09/20/24
Isabel C.
Submitted 09/09/24
Muy buena doctora
Gianna M.
Submitted 08/29/24
Angela D.
Submitted 08/19/24
Muy profesional. Excelente servicio.
Angela D.
Submitted 07/30/24
Very friendly
Arelis C.
Submitted 07/25/24
Excelente personal y muy buena Doctora
Jose R.
Submitted 07/24/24
She explained the results in a way I can understand
Dolores P.
Submitted 07/22/24
Esa es mi doctora preferida se preocupa muchísimo por la salud de su paciente
Robinson E.
Submitted 07/12/24
Niurka G.
Submitted 06/29/24
Dr.Guzman is very sweet and gives you her attention. She is very thorough and very professional. Highly recommended her.
Yeika Alfreda L.
Submitted 06/27/24
Is an excellent doctor
Dessiree V.
Submitted 06/22/24
Excelente doctora a mi me atiemde muy bien
Angela D.
Submitted 06/20/24
Excellent review and very pleasant talking with the medical assistant.
Fransisco L.
Submitted 06/14/24
Muy buena
Anselmo M.
Submitted 06/07/24
I feel very happy with her atention and service like medical professional. She's ver nice
Marina V.
Submitted 06/04/24
Doctor Guzman and staff are very efficient and courteous and they explain questions and concerns is a very clear manner.
Maria A.
Submitted 05/30/24
Very good, excellent
Aura R.
Submitted 05/25/24
La mejor amable y delicada